A Catholic, Evangelical, and Bible Based Radio and TV Outreach
I charge you therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who will
judge the living and the dead
at His appearing and His kingdom:
Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. (2 Tim 4:5)
August 29, 2010 August 22, 2010 August 15, 2010
August 8, 2010 August 1, 2010
Declarations For The Revival Glory Conference, July, 2010
Below are notes from some of Father Tom's revival services.
Service Date: Sunday, August 29, 2010
Location: Holy Rosary Catholic Church, Winthrop, MA
Submitted By: Alan
We began by praising the King of Glory in song. Then the Lord called us to come to Mt. Zion, the city of the Living God, the Heavenly Jerusalem. We were surrounded by myriads of angels in festal array. We danced, sang, and praised God. We received a prophetic word that "My right hand is victorious. My right hand conquered when it was nailed to the cross." A new song came based on this prophecy. We did warfare in the Heavenlies through our praises and our worship. We ended with a worshipful chorus of Alleluias that included a declaration of the might and power of the King of Glory, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the Lamb That Was Slain. He has conquered and has purchased by His blood men and women of every people, tribe, and tongue to the Glory of the Father. Amen, Alleluia!
Service Date: Sunday, August 22, 2010
Location: Holy Rosary Catholic Church, Winthrop, MA
Submitted By: Alan
We began by singing, dancing, and praising God, and calling on the Fire of God, the Holy Spirit, to come and transform us. Later on the Lord called us to "Come up higher." "How high can you come?", He asked. The answer came, "Come as close as close can be. You are my bride, my betrothed. Come as close as close can be. Come to me for Holy Intimacy." There was a wonderful sense of Holy Intimacy towards the end of the night. The final word was, "My children, I had fun with you tonight. Let's do this again, my children. Let's have fun together, again."
Service Date: Sunday August 15, 2010
Location: Holy Rosary Catholic Church, Winthrop, MA
Submitted By: a correspondent
Tonight as we sang to the King of Glory, we began receiving words and images regarding opening the gates of our lives and our hearts to welcome the King of Glory. We received scriptures from Isaiah 44:6 about being His witnesses. We received a powerful image of Jesus in purple garments being carried on the shoulders of four angels and a crowd of worshippers into our midst. In response to this image, we did a prophetic act by carrying a crucifix on a throne throughout the church, as we worshipped. We received a prophetic word, "What satan tries to use against you, God will use for His glory and the salvation of many souls." Also, "Raise your eyes to what I am doing. Do not focus on your circumstances. For I am about to do mighty things. Focus on Me. I will use you for the mighty work I am doing." As we moved deeper into the presence of God and His glory, there was a powerful time of emotional healing, especially the healing of losses. We received new assignments from the Lord and the healing of many relationships. Isaiah 51 was proclaimed. May you be abundantly blessed as you continue in His presence throughout the week.
Service Date: Sunday August 8, 2010
Location: Holy Rosary Catholic Church, Winthrop, MA
Submitted By: a correspondent
We had another wonderful night in the glory with Jesus. As we sang about Jesus on the throne, we received images of Him coming from the throne onto a white horse and beckoning us to join Him. As we joined Him, He spoke about releasing His power through us, especially to revive priests. We began a powerful night of intercession for priests. Scriptures included: 1 Sam 19:3, Psalm 17: 1-6; Jer 3:15 about the shepherd's heart; Jer 3:11-15. There was a powerful anointing for physical healing, with numerous healings called out, including depression, cancer, eyes, ears, legs, diabetes, liver disease, HIV, blood diseases, immune system diseases, etc. There was also healing of issues against life and the reminder to always "speak life". We praise you, Jesus, for what you're doing in this corner of the world. We continue to press in for the fullness of what you have for us.
Service Date: Sunday August 1, 2010
Location: Holy Rosary Catholic Church, Winthrop, MA
Submitted By: a correspondent
Continuing the Revival Glory which began on July 18, we celebrated another wonderful night in the presence and glory of God. We experienced the aroma of clean white linen (Rev 19:7-8 the linen represents the righteous deeds of the saints); singing about the Lamb on the throne; the rain of joy pouring down upon God's people bringing great healing especially of ulcers and depression; drinking the wine of the Holy Spirit. New songs: my glory shall dispel the darkness; let my glory shine through you. Declaring Isaiah 60: the dead shall be raised and come back telling stories of heaven and hell. Gold dust fell on the people. Fr. Tom taught about the importance of prophetic actions. Let us become the seed of the promise of Joel 2:28-29. We continue to press in for the fullness of what God has for us. May you be abundantly blessed and live in His glory.
Declarations for the Revival Glory Conference, July 18 - 22, 2010
We urge you to incorporate these declarations into your prayer meetings and your personal prayer life.
Speak the Word of God in faith and watch His wonders unfold.
Here is a link to the Declarations in pdf format.
Declarations of the Word of God for the USA
Lord, our Founding Fathers created this nation in covenant with You and we have been blessed because of that. We declare that we are still one nation under God; the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; the God who's Son, Jesus, gave His life to set us free; and whose Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, guides us this day.
We, the redeemed, Your triumphant reserve, take the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God, and go forth to establish Your Word in this nation. We arise and shine because our light has come and Your glory shines upon us. (Eph 6:17; Ps 119; Is 60:2)
Lord, we ask for this nation, for our full inheritance, for the souls of all the inhabitants, and the defeat of our enemies. (Psalm 2:8)
We declare that we are a nation whose God is the Lord. (Ps 33:12)
Come and cleanse us with the blood of Jesus. Cleanse the root of this region and this nation with the precious blood of Jesus Christ.
We declare a new 9:11 for this nation, according to YOUR Word. Because of the blood of your covenant, you have set us free from the waterless pit. (Zech 9:11)
Come Holy Spirit, with your life-giving water and move mightily in our region and our nation.
Activate new growth; raise up a powerful new move of great miracles, signs, and wonders.
We declare that YOU, Holy Spirit, are the Spirit of America. Come and have your way in the U.S.A.
We declare that Your dominion, God, shall be from coast to coast, from sea to shining sea, from the rivers to the ends of this nation and the ends of the earth. (Zech 9:10)
We declare that no mountain of government, religion, education, science, technology, media, arts, entertainment, family, or business will hinder God's plan for this nation. We contend with you, O mountains of this land, and command you to hear our voice. Every mountain in this nation that opposes God's plan and purpose, we command you to be removed NOW and cast into the sea. (Micah 6:1; Mark 11:23)
We declare that the righteousness, peace, and joy of the Kingdom of God fills our lives and this land, by the power of the Holy Spirit. (Rom 14:17)
Father, we receive and bring forth your Kingdom into this land because it is your good pleasure to give us the Kingdom. (Lk 12:32)
We declare that you have given us dominion over this land. We are the lords of this land and the kings of this nation; and you, Jesus, are the Lord of lords and the King of kings. We declare that you are restoring our land.
We give your Word free access to our lives and our nation. (2Thess 3:11)
We declare that this nation is filled with the knowledge of the Glory of God, as the waters cover the sea. We welcome you, King of Glory, into this land. (Hab 2:14)
We declare that the children of this nation shall be taught by the Lord and great shall be their peace. (Is 54:13)
We praise and thank you for those in authority in our nation because we know that all authority comes from you. We declare that our President and all those in authority will always seek Your wisdom and counsel and will walk in Your ways so our nation will be at peace. We declare that Your candidates, God, will be victorious in our elections.
We declare with you, Jesus, that the church in America will be one, as you and the Father are one. Heal all divisions among us. We declare that our nation will see the body of Christ united in love toward all those you came to save. (John 17:21)
We declare that all who walk in darkness in this nation will see Your light. (Is 9:2)
We declare that this nation will bring forth the praises of God. We will look to you and be saved.
(Is 60:6; Is 45:22)
We declare Your glory among the nation and Your wonders among the people. (Ps 96:3)
We declare that You protect us because we acknowledge Your name. And no weapon formed against us will prosper. (Ps 91:14; Is 54:17)
Lord, we declare peace for Jerusalem and your abundant blessings and protection for Israel,
the apple of Your eye. We stand in union with her forever because she is the root that supports us.
(Ps 122, Dt 32:10, Ps 17, Rom 11)
We call forth the fulfillment of your promises for Israel and for America. (Ps 33:11)
We declare that blessed are the nations whose God is the Lord; whose people You have chosen as your own inheritance. (Ps 33:12)
We declare that we are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a HOLY NATION, a people belonging to God.
We declare the praises of Him who called us out of darkness into His wonderful light.
Once we were not a people, but now we are the people of God. Once we had not received mercy,
but now we have received mercy. We cry for more mercy for our nation. We declare again for all
to hear: the United States is a HOLY NATION.
(1 Peter 2:9-10)
"..my yoke is easy, my burden light." Mt. 11:25-30
In Season And Out Of Season
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